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jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Family projects: Halloween desserts and crafts

Here are more Halloween projects photos that our families have sent us. Enjoy them!!!
Look at Marina (5 años B) and Sergio, Daniel and María from 4ºA, and their Halloween dessert!

Look at Valle, Ana I, Ana and Ana I from 5º B making delicious witches!!!
 And this girls from 2º A are preparing bloody eyes and spiders!!!

Here are Carmen, Zaira and Luis Manuel from 3º A that have enjoyed together making a delicious cake!! mmm yummy!!!
Zaira and Carmen

Carmen, Zaira and Luis Manuel

Look at María (3ºB) and Rocío Cerrada (3 años A) and their beautiful Halloween crafts!!!
Rocío and María
Look at Alejandro Barbosa from 1º A and his enormous spider!! We are amazed with it!!

Alejandro and his wonderful spider!

Nayara from 4 años B and her sister Nerea are showing us her Halloween crafts. Good job, girls!!

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Fotos en familia- family project

Marina  (5 años B) and Sergio (4ºA) are so concentrated preparing their terrific bats!!! Great job!!!
Sergio and Marina

Here are Lucía (2º A) and her sister Ana Isabel (5ºB) with a halloween coffin and a great haunted house. Thanks a lot!! They are scary!!!
Lucía and Ana Isabel
This is Paula (4ºA) and Silvia (5 años A) and their craft: a Corpse Bride!! Absolutely brilliant!!!
Paula, Silvia and their Corpse Bride
With their dad
Working together


Here are Diana from 4 años A and her brother Andrés 4º A showing their Halloween craft: a coffin and a gravestone... Fantastic!!!!

                                                                 DIANA Y ANDRÉS




domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Art Family project: Halloween crafts

Look at Victor Giménez from 4º A and his dad making their Halloween craft, beautiful pumpkin. 
Victor y su padre
Aaron (4ºA) and Hugo (1º B) made a haunted house with mum and dad.
Thank you for your photos!

Terminando la casa con mamá.
El papá de Aarón y Hugo

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Art project 3º: Self portraits

Third graders have learned how to make portraits. They really enjoyed this activity with their teacher Ana. Look at them, showing their own self portraits to you.
We have fun in the English class!!! Disfrutamos en la clase de Art mientras hacemos autoretratos!

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

Art project 5º: Funfall

5th graders has done a wonderful Art project with their teacher Sandra. Look at the bulletin boards they have created and also the Science project about animals.
Here are some pictures: Enjoy them! Congratulations!! Great job!

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

Welcome to Alice! Bienvenida Alice!

Dedicamos este artículo a Alice Crane, nuestra nueva auxiliar de conversación inglesa que va a pasar con nosotros este curso escolar.
Los principales objetivos que pretendemos conseguir es que trasmita los principales aspectos culturales de Gran Bretaña, trabaje las destrezas orales: listening and speaking, ayude a los alumnos/as a mejorar la parte oral de las pruebas de competencia lingüística y colabore con las actividades organizadas en el centro.

Realizando una actividad oral sobre las profesiones.
Alice con alumnos/as de 4º

En estas primeras semanas ha estado observando todos los cursos, desde los cursos de 3 años hasta 6º de primaria. 
En esta segunda quincena va a trabajar coordinada con el departamento bilingüe, el grupo PEL y la comisión de biblioteca, la festividad de Halloween.
Muy pronto dedicaremos un artículo informando de las actividades de Halloween propuestas por el centro: tanto las que se harán en casa como en clase.

¡¡¡Bienvenida Alice!!!  Welcome to our shool, Alice!!!